An Open Letter to Ex-State Senator Clifford Friend In Answer to His Letter To the Editor of The Republican Newspaper of Thursday September 3, 1970

From The Officers And Members Of Garrett County Road Workers Union, Local 1834, AFSCME, AFL-CIO

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Dear Mr. Friend,

Your completely inept analysis of the Garrett County Roads Workers Union shows a lack of knowledge of the Union’s structure, its working relationship with various political subdivisions within the State of Maryland and a complete void as to both Maryland and Federal labor legislation. Frankly, considering your lack-lustre record in the Maryland Senate, we are not surprised to see you go all—half cocked—without researching a single fact in your politically motivated tired against Commissioner Paugh and our Garrett County Union, Local 1834, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO.

May we remind you, Mr. Friend that the year is 1970, not 1930, when the BIG LIE reigned supreme. Hitler’s tactics will not work in this day and—we’ll prove it to you on election day, September 15. You may not be living in the 20th Century, but we are! What made you think that Garrett Countians don’t read newspaper, listen to radio or watch TV? We resent your implications that we are simple-minded folk. We know what is going on in today’s world.

It is people like you, Commissioners Sines and Friend and the mere handful of your misguided, non-thinking followers who are behind the times—way, way behind.

Your letter is either a shrewd politician’s use of the BIG LIE technique or a blind harangue by a completely uninformed, bitter relic of the past, who wants to continue to prosper on the ignorance and poverty of his fellow man. Which is your category, Mr. Friend? Whichever it is, the distortions, half-truths and outright lies were written to mislead the voters of Garrett County.

First, Mr. Friend, you seem to have forgotten that the right of association is a basic American right. Those who might suppress or advocate the suppression of this freedom of choice are not good Americans.

You said in your letter, that there would be “…more domination, more threats and more injustice.” Are you admitting that these existed prior to the merger of our old Association with AFSCME? How much domination, threats and injustice existed with your blessing and support. Did “JAW BREAKER” Road get its name through your efforts? Was this violence?

It is hard to believe that you are completely ignorant of the collective bargaining process. It is easier to believe that you are again using the BIG LIE when you talk about the Union establishing working conditions, hours, wage scales, hiring, firing, etc. Collective Bargaining means that both employer and employee sit down together and work out their differences to the mutual advantage of both. This has been done by AFSCME and the commissioners of neighboring Allegany County. There are 49 AFSCME Unions in the State of Maryland, representing more than 17,000 members in State, County and City Governments.

The Baltimore Evening Sun, a very conservative newspaper, in a recent editorial headed “STUBBORN GARRETT,” had this to say:

“Here is a stupid, silly dispute which two commissioners have let deteriorate far beyond the bounds or reason or principle. The state government and other counties, including neighboring Allegany, have dealt openly, responsibly and effectively with the same Union. Garrett could—and should—do the same. If the Commissioners don’t see this, it might be well for businessmen and others seriously interested in the economic future of the county to pry their eyes open.”

AFSCME local unions enjoy excellent relations with governments throughout the State of Maryland. In every case, local unions are autonomous. They make their own decisions, bargain with management and determine their own destiny through collective bargaining.

As to CHECK-OFF, Mr. Friend, you neglected to mention that the Road Workers Association had dues check-off whereby the county collected dues for the association for many years. How come your great concern about check-off now?

You are very concerned about “loyal” workers who did not join the Union, who have no respect for the majority rule, but who have accepted some $10,000 for NOT working. When your two STUBBORN MEN finally sit down in good faith with their employees, they will determine, through collective bargaining whether employees will have to belong to the Union. The Union CANNOT make this a condition of employment.

Once again, you have NOT researched your subject. It is NOT the practice of AFSCME Unions in Maryland to:

“Charge initiation fees.” Not one of our more than 17,000 Maryland workers has paid an initiation fee.

“Call strikes because some worthless fellow has been demoted”…AFSCME has been responsible for setting up GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES in the State, County and City governments so that both management and labor can determine whether injustices have been done—without strikes.

“Call sympathy strikes.” AFSCME has never called a “sympathy” strike in Maryland.

“Levy special assessments upon the men to raise money for strikes.” AFSCME has never levied an assessment upon any member in the State of Maryland.

“The Union could levy fines against any of our men for breach of union rules.”  AFSCME has never levied a fine against any member of the State of Maryland.

You also state, Mr. Friend, that the local union would have no control over how dues would be spent. Once again, you are dead wrong! Each local union has control over their dues. Each local union has representation in the Maryland Council 67. Each Local Union elects delegates to the International Union’s convention where they determine the course of the International Union.

It is amazing, Mr. Friend, how every point you have tried to make—we challenge you to cite ONE CASE where arbitrary actions and favoritism has been condoned or demands have been made by the Union to fire workers. You cannot back these irresponsible statements because these things have never happened!

We must agree with you on one score: “It is truly difficult to understand men who would of their own free will, want to trade away their precious lives for the yoke of chattel slaves,” unless they have, indeed, been sold a false bill of goods—for 13 years. We tried to bargain with our Commissioners every time. We finally threw off the yoke this past year, when we merged with AFSCME and became Local 1834.

For your information, Mr. Paugh has acted in good faith as a public servant and deserves the support of all Garrett Countians. Your days, Mr. Friend, of thinking are relics of the past. We believe that most of the thinking residents of the County can see through your meaningless façade. You and men Like Commissioners John Ross Sines and Hubert Friend have failed as leaders. We are tired of living in the past where we have to rely upon Federal Food Stamps to supplement our pay. We are fed up with empty promises from a series of 19th Century Commissioners. We are going to make our Garrett County prosper so that not just a few businessmen and politicians can live a good life, but that all citizens of this County can enjoy this heritage.


W. “Jack” Sowers, President

Henry Trickett, Vice-President

Charles Lowdermilk, Secy.-Treas.

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