Letter to The Citizen

From Ruth J. Lloyd, Kitzmiller, Md.

(July 9, 1970)

Dear Editor:

I am writing to express my opinion about the Union and the county road workers. The County road workers have done a good job of keeping our roads open in the winter, and it isn’t their fault we do not have new roads. It’s the fault of the rich people in Garrett County because they are the only ones fighting progress in Garrett County.

Also, they fight the Union because they know if the road workers goes Union, they will have to pay their employees more money and that would really hurt because they can’t bear to part with an extra dollar. Some business people in Garrett County still only pay their employees $5.00 a day for an 8-hour day and that isn’t right because I worked for a lady at the Lake 10 years ago & she paid $1.25 an hour then. And I think every citizen of Garrett County should have a voice in what goes on in Garrett County. I also think it’s time to get new commissioners and other new leaders in Garrett County. Also the people who pay only $5.00 a day for work sure know how to raise the price of their merchandise and they won’t sell the merchandise until they get their price. Some people who are fighting against the Union have houses that rent from $40.00 to $45.00 a month and they aren’t fit for people to live in less alone pay for, but they aim to get their price from the house or they stay empty, so wise up citizens and take what’s yours and don’t sell your birthright for a mess of pottage.


Ruth J. Lloyd

Kitzmiller, Md.

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